Running a Report
Syncrofy allows you to build and run reports from previously saved views. You can run your report from the main Reports screen or from the Documents, Files, or Exceptions screens. To run a report from the main Reports screen:
- Click the Run Report from View icon in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select the type of report (Documents, Files, Exceptions) from the "Type" dropdown menu.
- Select the view you would like to apply from the "View" dropdown menu
- Enter the name in the "Report Name" text box.
- Click the Run button to save and run the report.
- The report will now appear on the main Reports screen.
Once the report has completed running, it will appear on the main Reports screen under the "My Reports" tab with the name you provided.
To view a report, click on the title of the report on the main Reports screen. When viewing a report, you have the ability to Go to Live or Download as CSV by clicking the corresponding buttons in the upper right-hand corner.
Note: You can also run a report from the main Documents, Files, or Exceptions screens by selecting a view and clicking the Run Report button in the upper right-hand corner.
A timestamp is located directly to the right of the report name that displays the date and time the report was generated.