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Unknown Business Identifiers

Syncrofy will alert you when it processes documents that contain “Unknown Identifiers” (any identifiers which aren’t configured for Partners or your Organization). When that happens you will see a red alert icon next to "Partners" in the left-hand navigation menu to let you know there is missing information. From there, you can assign the Unknown Identifier to a Syncrofy user or simply identify it on the spot by typing in the partner name. 

Viewing Unknown Business Identifiers

  1. Click the Unknown Business Identifiers tab in the upper left-hand corner of the main Partners screen.
  2. In the left-hand column (Unknown Business Identifiers), you will see a running list of all "Unknown Business Identifiers" in the system and you can scroll through them one by one. The right-hand column (Identify Partner) contains additional information on the partner including the number of documents affected as well as the option to identify the partner. 
  3. To search for a specific identifier, click inside the "Search missing identifiers" text box in the left-hand column. 

Note: You can also filter the identifiers by clicking the "Filter by" dropdown arrow in the upper-right hand corner of the left column. You can choose to filter by Pending, In Progress, Resolved, or None.


Assigning Unknown Business Identifiers

  1. Click the Unknown Business Identifiers tab in the upper left-hand corner of the main Partners screen.
  2. Select the identifier you wish to assign by clicking on it in the left-hand column. 
  3. Under "Assigned to" click inside the "Search for a user" text box and begin typing in the name of the person you wish to assign it to.
  4. Select their name in the dropdown menu and click the Save button.

Identifying Unknown Business Identifiers

  1. Click the Unknown Business Identifiers tab in the upper left-hand corner of the main Partners screen.
  2. Select the identifier you wish to assign by clicking on it in the left-hand column. 
  3. Then in the right-hand column, scroll to the bottom and select "New Partner," "Existing Partner," or "My Organization."
  4. Type the name of the partner in the "Name this partner" text box. For "Existing Partner," Syncrofy will provide suggestions in the dropdown menu once you begin typing. 
  5. Click the Identify Partner button to save.

Note: Once you’ve named the Unknown Identifier, it takes between a few seconds and a few minutes for Syncrofy to create/update the Partner, and update all of the documents so they will display the Partner name.

The Partner identifier can now be found in the list of "Resolved" when you filter. This will allow you to see a record of who identified a partner and when. If you make a mistake or need to switch an identifier from one partner to another, you can easily do that too.