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Partners are a way for you to manage your B2B business partner organizations within Syncrofy. You can set up contact information, company descriptions, and business identifiers for each partner. You also have the option to invite them to use Syncrofy.


Adding a New Partner

  1. Click the Add Partner button in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Type the company name into the "Name" box.
  3. Click the OK button to save.

Your new partner will now appear in the left column on your main Partners screen. Please note that not every user can add/edit a partner, you must have the required permissions to do so. To obtain permission, contact your Group Administrator.

Note: To add a Partner by uploading a file in BusinessPartnerSchema format, please refer to Partners CSV Upload.


Adding a Partner Contact

You can add contact information for specific individuals within your partner organization in the event you need to connect with someone. To add a contact to a partner:

  1. Click on the desired Partner in the left column of the main Partners screen.
  2. Click the Add Contact button.
  3. Enter the information for your partner contact and specify whether the person is a "Business" or "Technical" contact. 
  4. Click the Confirm button to save.


Viewing Contacts for a Specific Partner

You also have the ability to view all of the contacts for a given partner on the main Partners screen. To view a partner's contacts, click on the desired partner in the left column of the main Partners screen. You will then see the "Contacts" for that partner appear in the right column of the screen under "Business Identifiers."

You can view the contacts and sort them by Name, Contact Type (Business, Technical) or Last Modified date by toggling the arrows the right of each column name. You can also modify or remove contacts by clicking the Edit or Delete icons to the right of the contact.

Note: You must be granted the appropriate permission by your administrator to view a partner's contacts.


Adding or Editing a Business Identifier

Editing & Managing Partner Subscriptions

Adding a Partner via CSV Upload