Configuring Order Life Cycles
This setting enables Syncrofy Administrators to customize the life cycle (main Orders screen) for both inbound and outbound orders. By doing so, you can stay on the same page with your trading partners and ensure your orders are on-time.
You can also create configurations for specific trading partners. For example, you may have a partner that sends Advance Ship Notices (856) one day prior to shipment, even though you may be used to receiving it three hours before. "Order Life Cycle Configurations" enable you to add SLA rules to stay ahead of potential issues and ensure customer satisfaction stays high.
The following steps will guide you through customizing the Default Configuration for orders from all trading partners:
Step 1: Documents
Select the documents that will be a part of the orders you are expecting.
- Click "Settings" in the left-hand navigation menu.
- Under "System Settings," select "Order Life Cycle Configurations."
- Select the type of order you wish to configure by clicking the "Inbound" or "Outbound" tab at the top of the screen.
- In the "Default Configuration" row, click the yellow Edit icon on the right hand side of the screen.
- Choose the documents you expect for these orders by selecting the toggle for each (green indicates "ON," white indicates "OFF").
- Click the Next button to continue.
Note: To create a configuration for a specific trading partner, click the Add Configuration button in the upper right-hand corner and follow the steps. For more information, see the 'Adding a New Configuration" article at the bottom of this page.
Step 2: General
Choose to turn ON or OFF any general settings in your order life cycle configuration.
- Select whether you expect a Functional Acknowledgment (997) for every transaction by toggling ON or OFF.
Step 3: Timing
Choose the time frame for when an exception is created for each corresponding document.
- Select the document by toggling ON.
- Enter the required information. For example, "Expect an Advance Ship Notice..." requires you to choose the number, time period (hours, days, weeks, etc.), requirement (before, after, by), and date (scheduled delivery appointment date, delivery date, etc.).
- You can also choose to escalate the problem if it's not resolved by clicking the "Escalate if unresolved after" box and selecting the desired time frame (optional). This will automatically escalate the exception if the issue remains unresolved by the required date.
- Click the Next button to continue.
Step 4: Notifications
Choose which notifications you will receive based on your selections in Step 3.
- Select which notifications you wish to receive by toggling ON or OFF.
- Select the Syncrofy users, groups, or invited partner contacts you wish to notify by clicking the box for each.
- For users or groups, type in the name in the text box and select the name in the dropdown menu.
- Click Next button to continue.
Step 5: Confirm
Review and confirm your life cycle configuration selections.
- Review each selection on this screen.
- To edit a selection, click the blue Edit icon to the right of each completed step.
- When you are satisfied with your selections, click the Confirm Settings button in the lower right-hand corner.
Adding a New Configuration
Syncrofy gives you the ability to override default configuration settings and create a new one for a specific partner or sub-organization based on how you do business with them. To add a new configuration:
- Click the Add Configuration button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Type the name of the configuration in the "Name" text box.
- Select the Organization or Partner you wish to create a configuration for. Then, type the name in the text box and select it when it appears in the dropdown.
- Click the Next button to continue
- Follow Steps 1-5 above.
For "Step 6: Confirm," you will have the ability to see how your order life cycle looks when paired with another organization. Or if you're configuring a sub-organization, you can see how it compares to another partner.
Note: To restore a setting from the Default Configuration, click the "Remove Override" link to the left of the setting.