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Managing Files

Files provide you visibility into each file as it's processed through the system. You can see the documents that comprise each file and submit your own comments. View the file name, size, format, and “Loaded on” date and time or download, delete, reprocess, or replay the file. You can also create customized filters, allowing you to see only the files that are important to you.

Note: To view specific information about a file, click on the desired file row to open the File Detail Screen.


Creating a New Filter

  1. Click the Add filter criteria tab in the upper left-hand corner.
  2. Enter the name you wish to give the filter (default name is "Untitled Filter").
  3. Select your filtering paramters (Commenters, File size, Filename, Format, Loaded on).
  4. Set your paramters (e.g. for File size you can enter "Equal to" 5 KB, 10 KB, etc.).
  5. Click outside of the box.
  6. Click the Save button in the upper right-hand corner to save your filter.

Note: Click the My Views button in the upper right-hand corner to view and select your current, saved filters. 


Grouping Your Files

Group By allows you to organize your files by a number of different criteria.

To group your files, click the Group By button on the right side of the main Files screen. Then, click on the criteria in the dropdown you wish to apply. The files will then be sorted appropriately based on your selection.

 Note: To view the next or previous page of a group, click the page number or back/forward icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the grouping table.

Running a Report

You have the ability to create a report based on the current view you are in or a previously saved view. To run a report from a view:

  1. Click the Run Report icon at the top of the view.
  2. Type in the name you wish to give the report.
  3. Click the Run button.
  4. After it is finished running, the report will appear on the main Reports screen.

Downloading a File

  1. Click on the desired file row to open the File Detail Screen.
  2. Click the Download button in the upper right-hand corner.



Reprocessing a File

  1. Click on the desired file row to open the File Detail Screen.
  2. Click the More button in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select "Reprocess File in Syncrofy."
  4. "File reprocessing request sent sucessfully" will appear in the lower right-hand corner.



Deleting a File

  1. Click on the desired file row to open the File Detail Screen.
  2. Click the More button in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select "Delete."
  4. Click the OK button to confirm.

Note: To "Watch" a file, click on the file's row to view the details. Then, select the "Watch" button in the upper right-hand corner.


Editing Columns

You can choose how you want the data for each file to be displayed on the main Files screen by adding, removing, or reordering the columns. 

To add/edit columns:

  1. Click the Columns button on the right side of the screen.
  2. For those current columns, you have the option to remove a column by clicking the red Delete button to the right or move the column by dragging and dropping it into a new location on the list.
  3. To switch a current column to a different one, click the dropdown arrow to the right of the column name. Type the name of the new column you wish to include. Click on the name to save.
  4. When you are finished editing the columns, click outside of the "Columns Chooser" menu to save



Calculations allow you to compute the average or sum of the file sizes within the system. To start a calculation:

  1. Click the Calculator icon to the right of the "File size" column.
  2. Select the "Choose below" dropdown menu and select your computation (Sum or Average).
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. The total will appear above the column.


Downloading a View

You have the ability to download the current view you are in as a CSV file. To download the current view:

  1. Click the Download CSV icon at the top of the view.
  2. Type in the name you wish you give the file.
  3. Click the Download button.