Timeline allows you to track the lifecycle of a document in Syncrofy. It provides pertinent information on the document including the date and time it was created, associated Exceptions, and general information.
Viewing the Timeline of a Document
- On the main Documents screen, click on the desired document to be taken to Document Detail Screen..
- Click the Timeline button in the upper right-hand corner.
- This will open the Timeline associated with the selected document.
Here, you can view the specific date and all iterations of that document for that particular day. By clicking the arrow icon next to the date, you can hide or collapse the details for that day. You can also click on the document itself to open up the Document in the Document Detail Screen.
Note: A document that is re-uploaded into the system will remain associated with its original timeline. Additionally, a document that is deleted and re-uploaded will also remain with its original timeline.
Timeline Details
Timeline Details provide a snapshot of relevant information regarding a specific document on the Timeline page.
- Company: Your company name.
- Partner: The partner associated with the document.
- From: Date which the document was created.
- To: Date of the last transaction associated with the document.
- Acknowledgment Status: Whether a document has been functionally acknowledged and if it was accepted or rejected.
- Direction: The Flow Direction of each document in the Timeline.
Click the Sort icon in the upper right-hand corner to choose how you would like to view information in the timeline. You can sort by either "Document Date" or "Loaded on Date" in "Ascending" or "Descending" order.