Document Views
Document filters allow you to view the data that is most important to you. You can apply one of Syncrofy's pre-loaded filters to view a specific document type or create your own, customized filter. You can also view correlated documents in the business process and draw comparisons by applying filters. For example, let's say you're viewing all Purchase Orders on the Main Documents Screen. You can add an additional filter to view all the Purchase Orders that have an associated Invoice.
Filtering By Document Type
- Click the "Document Type" dropdown in the upper left-hand corner of the main Documents screen.
- Click the type of document you wish you view (e.g. Invoice, Purchase Order, or Application Advice, etc.).
- All instances of the document type you selected will now appear on screen.
Note: Selecting "All Business Documents" will display every document type in the system.
When filtering by document type, you have five options in the upper right-hand corner.
- Run Report creates a time stamp report of the current filtered document list and saves it to your Reports in Syncorfy.
- Download CSV button allows you to download the current filtered document list into an xml file.
- Save button allows you save the current filter under any name you choose.
- + New View clears any current filters and resets the page
- My Views enables you to view and select any previously saved filters.
To view a specific document, click on a row. This will bring you to the Document Detail Screen where you can view more information about the document.
Creating a New View
- Click the "Add filter criteria" dropdown to the right of the "Document Type" dropdown.
- Select the criteria you wish to sort by. They can be values that pertain to the selected document (i.e. Flow Direction, Document Name, Business Partner, etc.) or criteria that pertain to the business process the document is a part of (i.e. "Purchase Orders that have an associated Invoice, "Invoices that do not have an associated Remittance Advice," Purchase Orders that have not been shipped"). For a complete list of business process criteria, click here.
- Enter or select the required information. For example, if you select "Document Date" you will have the option of choosing from several timeframes including "This Year," "Last Year," "This Month," etc.
- Click outside of the box to apply your changes.
All of the documents that reflect that criteria will now be displayed.
After creating a new filter, the default name will be "Untitled Filter" (located in the upper left-hand corner of the screen). To rename the filter and save it, simply click inside the box and enter the desired name. Click the Save button to confirm the name.
After saving your new filter, you will see additional buttons appear in the upper right-hand corner of the Documents screen.
The red Delete button allows you to delete the current filter you are in. The Save as Copy button enables you to save a duplicate copy of the filter you are currently in. The Share button allows you to share your filter with another user.
Note: "Save as Copy" allows you to make additional edits and changes within that instance of the filter.
Grouping Your Documents
Group By allows you to organize your documents by a number of different criteria.
To group your documents, click the Group By button on the right side of the main Documents screen. Then, click on the criteria in the dropdown menu you wish to apply. The documents will then be sorted appropriately based on your selection.
Note: To view the next or previous page of a group, click the page number or back/forward icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the grouping table.
Editing Columns
You can choose how you want the data for each document to be displayed on the main Documents screen by adding, removing, or reordering the columns.
To edit/add columns:
- Click the Columns button on the right side of the screen.
- For those current columns, you have the option to remove a column by clicking the red Delete button to the right or move the column by dragging and dropping it into a new location on the list.
- To switch a current column to a different one, click the dropdown arrow to the right of the column name. Type the name of the new column you wish to include. Click on the name to save.
- When you are finished editing the columns, click outside of the "Columns Chooser" menu to save.
Note: To add a brand new column to the list, click the "+ Add Column" link at the bottom. The system will then automatically add a new column.
Calculations allow you to compute the average or sum of any column that displays a number or monetary amount. For example, you can view the total sum of all your invoices in the system. To start a calculation:
- Click the Calculator icon to the right of the column you wish to compute (e.g. Invoice Amount, Purchase Order Amount, etc.)
- Select the "Choose below" dropdown menu and choose your computation (Sum or Average).
- Click the Save button.
- The total will appear above the column.
Running a Report
You have the ability to create a report based on the current view you are in or a previously saved view. To run a report from a view:
- Click the Run Report icon at the top of the view.
- Type in the name you wish to give the report.
- Click the Run button.
- After it is finished running, the report will appear on the main Reports screen.
Downloading a View
You have the ability to download the current view you are in as a CSV file. To download the current view:
- Click the Download CSV icon at the top of the view.
- Type in the name you wish to give the file.
- Click the Run button.
Applying a Mass Action to Multiple Documents
Syncrofy allows you to apply a mass action to multiple documents at once, enabling you to save time and optimize efficiency. You have the option of selecting up to 30 documents at once on the main Documents screen.
To add comments to multiple documents:
- Select the documents you wish to add comments to by clicking the checkbox to the left of the document name.
- Click "Comment" in the blue menu bar that appears at the bottom of your screen.
- Type your comment in the box provided.
- Then, click the Post Comment button.
- A green pop-up will appear at the bottom of your screen notifying you that your comments have been successfully posted.
To manually accept multiple documents:
- Select the documents you wish to manually acknowledge by clicking the checkbox to the left of the document name.
- Click "Manually Accept" in the blue menu bar that appears at the bottom of your screen.
- Add a comment, if necessary, in the box provided.
- Then, click the Manually Accept button.
- A green pop-up will appear at the bottom of your screen notifying you that the documents have been accepted.
Note: After selecting a document, you have the option to clear all selections on that page by clicking "Clear All." You can also select all of the documents on the entire page by clicking "Select Page.
To manually reprocess multiple documents:
- Select the documents you wish to manually reprocess by clicking the checkbox to the left of the document name.
- Click "Reprcoess" button in the blue menu bar that appears at the bottom of your screen.
- Then, click the Reprocess button.
- A pop-up will appear at the bottom of your screen notifying you that the documents are being reprocessed.